Sante Ardoini of Pesaro


About the artist

Sante Ardoini, also spelled Arduino or Arduini, was born at Pesaro in the last or nex-to last decade of the 14th century. He was a physician and philosopher at Venice. He wrote De Venenis, an elaborate compendium in eight books on poisons, in the years 1424-1426, which was printed at Venice in 1492 and at Basel in 1518 and 1562. His work is not a mere compilation of Greek, Latin and Arabic texts on medicine and nature, since he criticizes his predecessors and refers to his own medical experience and observations, and to what fishermen and collectors of herbs had told him. Ardoini makes extensive use of Hippocrates, Galen and Avicenna, and numerous other sources, e.g. Pliny, Dioscurides, Albucasis (Al-Zahrawi). He also wrote a book about fertility, entitled De prolificatione or Contra sterilitatem.

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