From Thursday 9 February to Sunday 12 February, the iconic Van Nelle Fabriek in Rotterdam will be hosting the 24th edition of Art Rotterdam. Over a total surface area of 10,000 m2, over one hundred leading national and international galleries will be exhibiting works by both up-and-coming and established artists. Two new developments in this edition: the Sculpture Park presentation, supported by Stichting Droom en Daad and the central placement of the New Art Section.
Sculpture Park will feature ten to twenty primarily large-scale works of art related to nature or the urban environment. The presentation will be located in the Tabaksfabriek (Tobacco Factory), one of the industrial and historic sections of the Van Nelle Fabriek. The architectural details are being developed by spatial design studio Tom Postma Design (known not only for their work at Art Rotterdam, but also Art Basel, Frieze Masters and TEFAF).

Part of the exhibition space is dedicated to artists who live in Rotterdam or are graduates of a Rotterdam art academy, since after all, Sculpture Park revolves around the connection with the city of Rotterdam. Rotterdam boasts a unique international collection of over 50 major works of art. These sculptures, placed at important locations throughout the city, form part of the public programme for Rotterdam Art Week.

The administrator of this collection, Sculpture International, is also involved in the content and promotion of Sculpture Park at the Van Nelle Fabriek. As part of this involvement, a representative of Sculpture International, together with a representative of Tom Postma Design and a Rotterdam curator/museum director, are all on the selection committee. Stichting Doom en Daad is also an important initiator of Sculpture Park. This foundation, which was established in 2017, is a philanthropic fund that invests in projects that help make Rotterdam attractive and appealing to residents and visitors alike. 

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