A rare set of twelve Chinese export porcelain plates bearing the arms of Jan Albert Sichterman (1692 1730 - 1764
Artiste Inconnu
ø 23 cm
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Zebregs & Röell - Fine Art - Antiques
- Sur l'oeuvre d'artA rare set of twelve Chinese export porcelain plates bearing the arms of Jan Albert Sichterman (1692-1764)
Qianlong period, circa 1730-1735
Each decorated in iron red, gold, brown, green, purple and blue, with in the center and upper rim, the Sichterman coat-of-arms of a red squirrel on a gold ground, nibbling at a green leaf, on an oval shield with a coronet on top.
Diam. 23 cm (each)
Jan Albert Sichterman (Groningen 1692 - 1764) commissioned this, and seven other dinner services, coffee and tea services and numerous other pieces of Chinese porcelain with his coat-of-arms. At 24, after a duel in which he wounded his opponent, Jan Albert had to flee the Netherlands. In 1716 he arrived in Batavia (Jakarta), and a year later, he was sent to Hooghly, the Dutch factory in Bengal. Here he made a splendid career, perhaps because in 1721 he married Sibylla Volkera Sadelijn (1699-1781), daughter of Jacob Sadelijn, Director of Bengal from 1727 till 1734. Jan Albert succeeded his father-in-law as Director of Bengal in 1734 till 1744, when he returned to Holland as commander and admiral of the return fleet, taking a large part of his armorial porcelain collection with him. Many pieces had already been sent to the Netherlands in advance.
In Bengal, Jan Albert was active in the cotton and silk trade for the VOC and also in very lucrative private trade and smuggling, which made him a fortune. After his death in 1764, his huge collection of porcelain, Japanese lacquer, exotica, oriental furniture, and numismatics, books, and 481 Dutch master paintings, including Rembrandt, Frans Hals, Jan Steen, Rubens and many other masters. The sale included about 750 lots of porcelain, in total over 4000 pieces, while he had given his three surviving children already a fair share of his porcelain collection. It is no wonder that Sichterman, who could design his own coat-of-arms as a nouveau riche, chose the ever-acorn-collecting squirrel to adorn his shield. - Sur l'artiste
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