A Chinese export 'famille verte' porcelain armorial dish with the coat-of-arms of Amsterdam 1700 - 1710
Artista Sconosciuto
ø 38 cm
Prezzo su richiesta
Zebregs & Röell - Fine Art - Antiques
- A proposito di opere d'arteThree styles of these so-called provincieborden or 'province' dishes were ordered by the Dutch in China between circa 1700 and 1720, each with the name and the coat-of-arms of a province or town in the Netherlands, England, France or Austrian-ruled Belgium. The present dish with the coat-of-arms of the city of Amsterdam belongs to the earliest decoration style.
- A proposito di opere artista
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•"Attribuito a …." A loro avviso probabilmente opera dell'artista, almeno in parte
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