Dutch colonial chest, 18th century by Artista Desconhecido
Dutch colonial chest, 18th century by Artista Desconhecido
Dutch colonial chest, 18th century by Artista Desconhecido
Dutch colonial chest, 18th century by Artista Desconhecido
Dutch colonial chest, 18th century by Artista Desconhecido
Dutch colonial chest, 18th century by Artista Desconhecido
Dutch colonial chest, 18th century by Artista Desconhecido
Dutch colonial chest, 18th century by Artista Desconhecido

Dutch colonial chest, 18th century 1750 - 1800

Artista Desconhecido

50 ⨯ 91 ⨯ 62 cm
€ 2.500

Verkoulen Oriental & European Antiques

  • Sobre arte
    A compact Dutch colonial storage chest of tropical hardwood on bun feet, late 18th century, around 1750-1800, Indian Ocean area.

    Dimensions: 50x91x62 cm.

    Indispensable in the interior of the East was a storage or ship's chest. Made out of tropical hardwood they could withstand the humid and warm climate in the colonies. Because East India Company officials or colonial habitants traveled a lot between the colonial island in the archipel and ocean, the need of storage space for personal items were high and chests had to be compact and strong. The chests were not only useful in India but also for the long lasting way back to Europe. It is known that these chest were also sold in Holland to people who had noting to do with the colonies.

    This specific chest was probably made in Sri-Lanka, or less likely Batavia (Jakarta). The brass lock plate has beautiful cut motifs, while the fittings on the sides have a strikingly cut-out heart pattern in them. The sides of the top as well as the edges at the bottom have black paint to imitate ebony wood.

    Condition: Good, restored ebonising/surface.
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