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Artista Desconhecido

81 ⨯ 34 ⨯ 34 cm
ConditionVery good
Preço em pedido

Spectandum Gallery

  • Sobre arte
    A standing Fang Mabea Maternity of Museum quality, holding a pestle with both her hands. The mother's head is slightly turned to the left, while the child, carried on her back, has his head turned to the right. Her left leg indicates a walking movement, which is not frequent for African sculptures. The eyes are inlaid with glass, the mouth has fine metal teeth, and her hair dress, in leather, is fixed with tiny indigenous nails. The statue has a brown patina typical for the region. The statue dates from the first half of the 20th century and is supposed to be made for a Colonial Exhibition in France. Provenance: R. Caillois (1913-1978), writer, sociologist and member of the “Académie Française” initially owned the sculpture. He was in contact with Andre Breton in the 1930s and befriended Salvador Dali, Paul Eluard and Max Ernst. He broke with the Surrealist movement in 1935 and started the magazine 'Inquisitions' with Tzara and Aragon. After his death, the sculpture stays in the family. P.Ratton certified the statue, owned by the widow (second wife) of R.Caillois, on 27/10/1995 Baroness Josephine Sloet tot Everlo held the sculpture until 31/12/2014.
  • Sobre artista

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    • "Com assinatura ….”, “Com data ….”, “Com inscrição ….” ou “Tem assinatura/data/inscrição” na opinião deles a assinatura/data/inscrição foi adicionada por outra pessoa que não o artista

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