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Horse rider in Tunisian landscape by Louis Hartz
Horse rider in Tunisian landscape by Louis Hartz
Horse rider in Tunisian landscape by Louis Hartz
Horse rider in Tunisian landscape by Louis Hartz

Horse rider in Tunisian landscape 1914

Louis Hartz

CanvasOil paintPaint
50 ⨯ 86 cm
Price on request


  • About the artwork
    Ex. collection son Sem Hartz. The artwork is signed and dated 1914. The painter visited Tunisia on his trip to Egypt. The town in the distance is Sidi Bousaid. Authentic frame needs restauration.
  • About the artist

    Louis Hartz was a Dutch painter, etcher, graphic artist and draftsman. He grew up in the Jewish part of Amsterdam. As a five year old boy he painted already battlefields. He followed the Rijksacademie voor Beeldende kunst in Amsterdam where one of his teachers was August Allébé. He finished this at an age of 17. He made trips to Spain, France, Tunis, Egypt, Italy where he painted as well. He is known for his realistic paintings and colours. He is known for his beach scapes, landscapes, still lifes, studies and figure study and portraits.

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