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no title by Lucas Van Der Pol
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no title 1935 - 2014

Lucas Van Der Pol

CanvasOil paintPaint
60 ⨯ 80 cm
€ 1.750

Bert Kuipers Kunsthandel

  • About the artwork
    Pol, Lucas van der; Vlijmen 1935 - 2014 Groningen
    zonder titel, olie op doek (oude postzak van de PTT)
    60 x 80 cm., gesigneerd m.o. 'L vd Pol'
    Herkomst particuliere collectie
  • About the artist

    Lucas van der Pol was born in the Dutch city of Vlijmen, in 1935. He received his education in the artistic field at a number of agencies. In succession, the Academy of Fine Arts in Den Bosch, Tilburg, the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht, and the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Antwerp. In 1970 he first moved North, establishing himself as an artist in Groningen. He devoted his time and talent to painting and graphic techniques.

    In his work, he gets a lot of his inspiration from the memories of the trips he made to countries like New Guinea, Algeria, Morocco, Spain and Belgium. He tends to visualize his experiences through symbols.

    He also has a passion for experimenting with different techniques. An example is the use of sandpaper, welding equipment and drills on plates of zinc. He achieves a picturesque quality to his work by combining different working methods, such as the ‘sugar water technique’ and the aquatint.

    Van der Pol passed away in 2014.

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