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Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Noche by César Orrico
Contains nudity

Noche 2023

César Orrico

100 ⨯ 32 ⨯ 45 cm
Price on request

Galerie Bonnard

  • About the artwork
    Bronze 4/8

    Tijdens ‘The Artfair Naarden’ de nieuwste beelden van César Orrico!
    Een blik op nog korte carrière, van de nog jonge Spaanse kunstenaar (geb. 1984), met kunstprijzen en exposities over de hele wereld, is indrukwekkend te noemen.

    Niet de prijzen en de waardering van anderen, maar onze eigen waardering is de reden dat we in 2020 de kunstenaar benaderden voor een samenwerking. In de galerie zijn we steeds op zoek naar kunstenaars die de lijn aan aspecten van ‘Modern Realisme’ binnen onze galerie verbreden. Hierbij is kwaliteit, persoonlijkheid, stijl en expressie steeds de graadmeter.

    Logisch dat een kunstenaar als César Orrico een enorme aanwinst is.

    Het werk van César Orrico oogt enerzijds klassiek en anderzijds is het werk dat past binnen de wereld van de Moderne kunst. Daarnaast is zowel het figuratieve aspect, de beweging en/of houding van het werk, het anatomische en het verhalende aspect in al zijn werken duidelijk zichtbaar aanwezig.

    Een korte blik op de ‘Internationale academische erkenning’, we beperken ons hierbij tot de laatste twee jaar.

    2023 First Prize, 58 Premio Reina Sofia de Pintura y Escultura. Asociación Española de Pintores y Escultores, Spain

    2022 First Place & Second place Sculpture 15th International ARC Salon Competition. United States.

    2021 Exceptional Merit Award 22nd International Portrait Competition, Portrait Society of America. United States

    2020 First Place Sculpture 15th International ARC Salon Competition. United States.

    2020 Honorable Mention Sculpture and Imaginative Realism 15th International ARC Salon Competition. United States.

    2020 Honorable Mention XXXI Bienal de Escultura Jacinto Higueras. Santisteban del Puerto, Spain.

  • About the artist

    The work of César Orrico offers us a transversal look which comprises from the classical paradigm to modernity. A contemporary figuration that fuses originality in depiction together with the fundamental principles of sculpture.

    Starting from a naturalistic treatment of the body and through precise and fluid modeling, the artist gradually denudes his works until arriving at a synthesis of form, giving rise to figures endowed with an emotive aesthetic refinement. In this process, we observe a profound knowledge of anatomy, where the human body occupies the centre of César Orrico’s artistic universe; knowledge which is the fruit of the artist’s fascination with anatomical treatises dating from the Renaissance up to the present time.

    His work explores diverse formats, ranging from works of a monumental nature through to small scale sculptures full of expressiveness and beauty. Likewise, over time, we find in his work an extraordinary knowledge of the materials used in sculpture, elements which the artist merges with elegance, making them flow together spontaneously in his figures, where the mixture between coldness and warmth creates the strength of each representation.

    One of the most outstanding qualities of César Orrico’s works is the sensuality conveyed in the movement of his figures, endowed with a portentous kinetic energy, emanating from the tension contained in the bodies and the hands of his models. The strength and the dynamism of the body in these depictions are in contrast to the serenity of the facial expressions. This duality gives rise to a profound and extremely intense dialogue that seduces observers and leads them to explore the diverse aspects of human experience and the transition between different states of mind.

    In essence, César Orrico presents figurative art full of symbolic value where his sculptures transport us to a mystical and spiritual world, in which the rituals of ancient cultures come to life. A world in which man and nature achieve a transcendental and almost magical relationship.

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