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Scipio's tomb by Unknown artist
Scipio's tomb by Unknown artist
Scipio's tomb by Unknown artist
Scipio's tomb by Unknown artist
Scipio's tomb by Unknown artist
Scipio's tomb by Unknown artist
Scipio's tomb by Unknown artist
Scipio's tomb by Unknown artist
Scipio's tomb by Unknown artist
Scipio's tomb by Unknown artist
Scipio's tomb by Unknown artist
Scipio's tomb by Unknown artist

Scipio's tomb 1849 - 1851

Unknown artist

11.40 ⨯ 19.20 ⨯ 7.50 cm
€ 2.450

Robert Schreuder Antiquair

  • About the artwork
    Model of the sarcophagus of Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, in peperino stone (grey volcanic tuff) with a text in red paint. On a white marble plinth.

    Scipio was a roman consul in 298 BC and the great victor in the battle of the Romans against the Etruscan army near Volterra.The sarcophagus was discovered in 1780 in the grave of the Scipiones at the Via Appia and later removed to the Vatican Museum. A miniature model was a beloved Grand Tour souvenir. The inscription at the front says: "Cornelius Lucius Scipio Barbatus, descendant of Gnaeus his father, a strong and wise man - whose appearance equalled his virtue, who was consul, censor and your aedilis. He conquered Taurasia and Cisauna in Samnium. He subjected all Luciania and took hostages from there".
  • About the artist

    It might happen that an artist or maker is unknown.

    Some works are not to be determined by whom it is made or it is made by (a group of) craftsmen. Examples are statues from the Ancient Time, furniture, mirroirs, or signatures that are not clear or readible but as well some works are not signed at all.

    As well you can find the following description:

    •“Attributed to ….” In their opinion probably a work by the artist, at least in part

    •“Studio of ….” or “Workshop of” In their opinion a work executed in the studio or workshop of the artist, possibly under his supervision

    •“Circle of ….” In their opinion a work of the period of the artist showing his influence, closely associated with the artist but not necessarily his pupil

    •“Style of ….” or “Follower of ….” In their opinion a work executed in the artist’s style but not necessarily by a pupil; may be contemporary or nearly contemporary

    •“Manner of ….” In their opinion a work in the style of the artist but of a later date

    •“After ….” In their opinion a copy (of any date) of a work of the artist

    •“Signed…”, “Dated….” or “Inscribed” In their opinion the work has been signed/dated/inscribed by the artist. The addition of a question mark indicates an element of doubt

    •"With signature ….”, “With date ….”, “With inscription….” or “Bears signature/date/inscription” in their opinion the signature/ date/ inscription has been added by someone other than the artist

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