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The Harbour of Palavas by Freek van den Berg
The Harbour of Palavas by Freek van den Berg
The Harbour of Palavas by Freek van den Berg
The Harbour of Palavas by Freek van den Berg
The Harbour of Palavas by Freek van den Berg
The Harbour of Palavas by Freek van den Berg

The Harbour of Palavas 1918 - 2000

Freek van den Berg

52 ⨯ 71 cm
€ 950

Lyklema Fine Art

  • About the artist

    Freek van den Berg (Amsterdam 1918-Veessen 2000) belongs to the group of Fauvists and was one of the last Dutch painters to work in this expressive and colorful way. His oeuvre spans half a century of diverse scenes, cityscapes and landscapes, but above all the woman who returns time and time again. He was a member of the "Independents" and he was also an art critic. Several books have been published about his oeuvre.

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