Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu
Antique French gold good luck charm, good luck token for horse races by Artiste Inconnu

Charme porte-bonheur en or français antique, jeton de bonne chance pour les courses de chevaux 1900

Artiste Inconnu

Actuellement indisponible via Gallerease

  • Sur l'oeuvre d'art

    Antique jewelry object group: pendant (pictured chain is not included)

    Condition: very good condition
      -  (more info on our condition scale)

    Country of origin: France

    Style: Late-Victorian - Victorian decorative arts refers to the style of decorative arts during the Victorian era. The Victorian era is known for its eclectic revival and interpretation of historic styles and the introduction of cross-cultural influences from the middle east and Asia in furniture, fittings, and Interior decoration.

    Victorian design is widely viewed as having indulged in a regrettable excess of ornament. The Arts and Crafts movement, the aesthetic movement, Anglo-Japanese style, and Art Nouveau style have their beginnings in the late Victorian era.
      -  See also: late-Victorianor more info on styles

    Style specifics: The Late or Aesthetic Victorian Period - Experts divide the reign of Queen Victoria, also called The Victorian era (1837-1901) into three periods of about twenty years each; The Romantic Victorian Period (1837 - 1860), The Grand Victorian Period(1860 - 1880), and the Late or Aesthetic Victorian Period (1880 - 1901).

    We consider this to be of The Late or Aesthetic Victorian Period.

    Jewelry of this period is changing back from heavy to more smaller, romantic pieces with often whimsical motifs. Jewelers using diamonds and bright gemstones in elaborated and fine feminine pieces.

    Period: ca. 1900
      -  (events & facts of this era, poetry of this era, fashion of this era)

    Source of inspiration: Good luck tokens

    Theme: The central horse head (most likely made in platinum) is surrounded by four leaf clovers, two men (who could be "lucky devils"?) and a text saying: "Je porte bonheur" which is French for "I bring good luck".

    Material: platinum and 18K yellow gold (touchstone tested)
      -  (more info on precious metals)

    Extra information: Four leaf clover - The clover became famous around 1,600 years ago, because, it was said that Saint Patrick in 452 AD stepped from the cathedral in Ireland on Easter morning, stooped down and picked a shamrock. He showed it to the crowd of parishioners, and then said, "This Plant represents the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!" Since that time, the three leaf shamrock has become world famous! Around this time when clovers were made popular, the rare four-leaf clover also became popular and wasconsidered to be lucky.

    Hallmarks: The French control mark for 18K gold representing a horse's head that was in use in France from about 1838.
      -  (more info on hallmarks)

    Dimensions: height 3,50 cm (1,38 inch) - See picture with a ruler in cm and inches

    Weight: 8,40 gram (5,40 dwt)

    Reference Nº: 19254-0139

    Copyright photography: Adin, fine antique jewelry

  • Sur l'artiste

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    Vous pouvez également trouver la description suivante :

    •"Attribué à …." A leur avis probablement une oeuvre de l'artiste, au moins en partie

    •« Atelier de …. ou « Atelier de » À leur avis, une œuvre exécutée dans l'atelier ou l'atelier de l'artiste, éventuellement sous sa direction

    •« Cercle de… ». A leur avis une oeuvre de la période de l'artiste témoignant de son influence, étroitement associée à l'artiste mais pas forcément son élève

    •« Style de … ». ou "Suiveur de ...." Selon eux, une œuvre exécutée dans le style de l'artiste mais pas nécessairement par un élève ; peut être contemporain ou presque contemporain

    •« Manière de… ». A leur avis une oeuvre dans le style de l'artiste mais d'une date plus tardive

    •"Après …." A leur avis une copie (quelle qu'en soit la date) d'une oeuvre de l'artiste

    •« Signé… », « Daté… ». ou « Inscrit » À leur avis, l'œuvre a été signée/datée/inscrite par l'artiste. L'ajout d'un point d'interrogation indique un élément de doute

    • "Avec signature ….", "Avec date ….", "Avec inscription …." ou "Porte signature/date/inscription" à leur avis la signature/date/inscription a été ajoutée par quelqu'un d'autre que l'artiste

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