Two polychrome wooden statues, North Bali, Singaraja, Buleleng Regence, late 19th century by Artiste Inconnu
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Deux statues en bois polychrome, au nord de Bali, Singaraja, Buleleng Regence, fin du 19e siècle 1900

Artiste Inconnu

BoisBois de Nangka (Jacquier)PigmentOrPeindre
78 cm
Actuellement indisponible via Gallerease

  • Sur l'oeuvre d'art
    Two polychrome wooden statues North Bali, Singaraja, Buleleng Regency, late 19th century
    Nangka (jackfruit) wood and pigments and gold
    Height: 78 cm and 70 cm (2)

    These two winged statues represent the red monkey twins Sugriwa and Subali as they are called in Bali. However, in spite of being identical twins they have different fathers; Sugriwa’s father is Surya, the sun god and Subali’s Indra, the king of gods. Subali, the king of the vahana, the monkeys and bears, believes that his brother Sugriwa is plotting to steal his throne so he drives him away. Sugriwa is introduced by his friend Hanoman, the king of the white monkeys, to Rama who agrees to battle Subali on Sugriwa’s behalf in exchange for the promise that Sugriwa will help him invade Lanka to battle Rawana who has kidnapped his wife, Sita. Rama defeats and kills Subali who at the time of his death realizes that Sugriwa had no ill intentions against him and forgives him for his death. The pair represent both sibling rivalry and the ultimate revelation of the truth. These two statues belong to a class of statues made in the vicinity of Singaraja from about 1890 till 1920, when the were very popular among a growing number of colonials in north Bali. There are early 20th century photos of this type of statues being sold in Surabaya and colonial fairs.
    A large number of Bali statues in Dutch museums belong to this class.

    I am grateful to Bruce Carpenter for his assistance with this catalogue entry.
  • Sur l'artiste

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