Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu
Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Brooklyn. by Artiste Inconnu

Pair of 19th C American Carousel Polychromed Female Torsos attributed to Charles I.D. Looff from Bro 1880 - 1890

Artiste Inconnu

86 ⨯ 47 ⨯ 22 cm
ConditionVery good
Prix sur demande

Spectandum Gallery

  • Sur l'oeuvre d'art
    This pair of female torsos presumably decorated a fair stand or an organ in a theme park. Most likely they were part of an immense organ that was intended to entertain the people with its impressive sound. A fairground 80-keyless organ with similar female decorations, made by the brothers Bruder in Waldkirch (Germany), once stood in the center of the large Feltman carousel in Coney Island. The torsos of both women were found in a speakeasy in West Virginia. The artist was clearly inspired for his wooden figures by the classical beauty of the famous Venus of Milo, a Greek marble sculpture from the 2nd century BC. The highly decorative pieces can be a stylish eye-catcher in your interior.

  • Sur l'artiste

    Il peut arriver qu'un artiste ou un créateur soit inconnu.

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    Vous pouvez également trouver la description suivante :

    •"Attribué à …." A leur avis probablement une oeuvre de l'artiste, au moins en partie

    •« Atelier de …. ou « Atelier de » À leur avis, une œuvre exécutée dans l'atelier ou l'atelier de l'artiste, éventuellement sous sa direction

    •« Cercle de… ». A leur avis une oeuvre de la période de l'artiste témoignant de son influence, étroitement associée à l'artiste mais pas forcément son élève

    •« Style de … ». ou "Suiveur de ...." Selon eux, une œuvre exécutée dans le style de l'artiste mais pas nécessairement par un élève ; peut être contemporain ou presque contemporain

    •« Manière de… ». A leur avis une oeuvre dans le style de l'artiste mais d'une date plus tardive

    •"Après …." A leur avis une copie (quelle qu'en soit la date) d'une oeuvre de l'artiste

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    • "Avec signature ….", "Avec date ….", "Avec inscription …." ou "Porte signature/date/inscription" à leur avis la signature/date/inscription a été ajoutée par quelqu'un d'autre que l'artiste

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