A fine Indian khandjarli dagger with a gold and gem-set ivory hilt Probably Vizianagram or Orissa, 18th-19th century by Artiste Inconnu
A fine Indian khandjarli dagger with a gold and gem-set ivory hilt Probably Vizianagram or Orissa, 18th-19th century by Artiste Inconnu
A fine Indian khandjarli dagger with a gold and gem-set ivory hilt Probably Vizianagram or Orissa, 18th-19th century by Artiste Inconnu
A fine Indian khandjarli dagger with a gold and gem-set ivory hilt Probably Vizianagram or Orissa, 18th-19th century by Artiste Inconnu
A fine Indian khandjarli dagger with a gold and gem-set ivory hilt Probably Vizianagram or Orissa, 18th-19th century by Artiste Inconnu
A fine Indian khandjarli dagger with a gold and gem-set ivory hilt Probably Vizianagram or Orissa, 18th-19th century by Artiste Inconnu
A fine Indian khandjarli dagger with a gold and gem-set ivory hilt Probably Vizianagram or Orissa, 18th-19th century by Artiste Inconnu
A fine Indian khandjarli dagger with a gold and gem-set ivory hilt Probably Vizianagram or Orissa, 18th-19th century by Artiste Inconnu

A fine Indian khandjarli dagger with a gold and gem-set ivory hilt Probably Vizianagram or Orissa, 1 1700 - 1900

Artiste Inconnu

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Zebregs & Röell - Fine Art - Antiques

  • Sur l'oeuvre d'art
    A fine Indian khandjarli dagger with a gold and gem-set ivory hilt
    Probably Vizianagram or Orissa, 18th-19th century

    The dagger has a large ivory hilt, with pierced gold flower-heads each set with a cabochon ruby to cover the rivets which secure the ivory to the tang. The blade is of conventional form and the sheath is made from two pieces of buffalo-horn witch a plain gold locket and chape.

    Robert Hales, London

    This model differs from others, having an ivory quill on block instead of an iron plate, and not being fitted with a knuckle-guard.
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