Les Environs de Montmartre by George Michel
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Les Environs de Montmartre 1763 - 1843

George Michel

TelaPittura a olioDipingere
65 ⨯ 81 cm
Attualmente non disponibile tramite Gallerease

  • A proposito di opere d'arte
    Les Environs de Montmartre by Georges Michel (1763-1843)

    Michel was born in Paris. His father was an employee at Les Halles, a large marketplace in the central part of the city. Michel's first patron, at a very early age, was a certain Monsieur de Chalue. His first painting teacher was one Leduc, a history painter, and later Michel studied under Nicolas-Antoine Taunay. Although he exhibited at the Paris Salon, he failed to achieve recognition and earned his living by working as copyist and restorer; he specialized in Dutch paintings and was helped in business by Élisabeth-Louise Vigée-Le Brun's husband.
    Most of Michel's work concentrates on rural landscapes in the area around Paris. He was influenced by Dutch landscape painters such as Jacob van Ruisdael and Meindert Hobbema. Michel worked in oil and watercolor with equal facility.

    He was forgotten for decades after his death; the first large exhibition of his work was presented by the Parisian Jean Charpentier hotel, in 1927. Today his works are found in museums around the world, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Portland Art Museum, Vanderbilt University Gallery, Strasbourg Musée des Beaux-Arts, Victoria and Albert Museum, and many others.
  • A proposito di opere artista
    Georges Michel è nato il 12 gennaio 1763 a Parigi. Suo padre era un impiegato a Les Halles, il grande mercato centrale di Parigi. Michel ha avuto molti mecenati nel corso della sua vita e anche una mostra al Salon di Parigi, eppure non è riuscito a diventare un rinomato artista indipendente: ha lavorato come copista e restauratore. L'opera di Michel si concentra sui paesaggi rurali di Parigi e dintorni. I paesaggisti olandesi hanno avuto una grande influenza su di lui. Michel morì il 7 o l'8 giugno 1843. Oggi le sue opere, sia ad olio che ad acquerello, fanno parte delle collezioni di molti musei, come il Victoria and Albert Museum di Londra.