The Balalaika Players 1890 - 1910
Isaac Israels
Óleo sobre tela original
79 ⨯ 62.50 cm
Atualmente indisponível via Gallerease
- Sobre arteJozef Israëls’s son, Isaac Israëls was raised on a diet of painting and travel. At thirteen, he entered art school in The Hague, where his prodigious talent was soon noticed. In 1881, he began a painting that was purchased before it was completed by Hendrik Willem Mesdag. In 1886, Israëls enrolled at Amsterdam’s Art Academy, where he was considered ‘too good’.
Israëls often spent the summer months with his father in Scheveningen, where he painted seaside scenes in bright colours. In Amsterdam, Israëls spent much of his time with George Hendrik Breitner. Both were fascinated by the idea of portraying city life by capturing a passing moment in time. To convey the sense of a snapshot, they cropped their subjects abruptly. Israëls was in Paris, London and briefly in the Dutch East Indies from 1903 to 1923. He then returned to The Hague and took over his father's studio. There he remained, producing impressionist paintings in light colours.
Israëls was a frequent visitor to theatres and concerts, which allowed him to depict the vivid lives of artists of all genres from all around the world. This painting portrays two folk artists from the cossack orchestra, which performed in Paris around 1910. - Sobre artista
Isaac Israels nasceu em Amsterdam em 1865, filho do pintor Jozef Israels. No início de sua vida, sua família mudou-se para Haia. Durante sua vida como artista, Isaac trocou a paleta "cinza" da escola Haagse (a escola de Haia) por uma paleta mais colorida e viva. Israels foi associado ao movimento do impressionismo de Amsterdã. Entre 1880 e 1882 ele estudou na Royal Academy of Art de Haia, onde conheceu George Hendrik Breitner, que se tornaria um amigo para toda a vida. Ele voltou para Amsterdã, onde foi convidado a se juntar aos Kring der Tachtigers (o grupo dos Oitenta). Paisagens urbanas com a vida nas ruas de Amsterdã e parisiense, mulheres elegantes, interiores de cafés e oficinas de costura estão entre suas cenas mais populares. Ele é considerado um dos mais importantes impressionistas holandeses. Isaac Israels morreu em 1934 em Haia.
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