Abdullah Suriosubroto

1878 - 1941

About the artist

Abdullah Suriosubroto was a painter from the Dutch East Indies and living in the so-called Tempo Doeloe period (1870-1914)

Tempo Doeloe

Tempo Doeloe meaning 'the old time' period or the good old time refers to the period that has already been gone but not vanished. The Indonesians consider this period 1840-1870 and the Dutch refer it to the good old times. 

Abdullah Suriosbroto

Abdullah was sent to the Netherlands but instead of studying Medicine like was expected of him, he preferred the Academy of Fine Arts. There, he received a thorough training in Western painting techniques. Back in Indonesia, he devoted his career to painting. He mainly painted detailed landscapes like volcanos, rice fields, desas and was important for the establishment of the Indonesian painter reputation in the 19th century, just like Raden Saleh. His works are nowadays very much searched for by collectors and are considered to be Indonesian impressionist art.

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