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Dream, Plan, Do by Raphael van der Haegen
Dream, Plan, Do by Raphael van der Haegen
Dream, Plan, Do by Raphael van der Haegen
Dream, Plan, Do by Raphael van der Haegen
Dream, Plan, Do by Raphael van der Haegen
Dream, Plan, Do by Raphael van der Haegen
Dream, Plan, Do by Raphael van der Haegen
Dream, Plan, Do by Raphael van der Haegen
Dream, Plan, Do by Raphael van der Haegen
Dream, Plan, Do by Raphael van der Haegen

Dream, Plan, Do 2024

Raphael van der Haegen

WoodMixed media
110 ⨯ 110 cm
€ 3.250

CJS Gallery

  • About the artwork
    Artist: Raphael van der Haegen
    Title: Dream, Plan, Do
    Size: 110x110 cm
    Technique: Canvas / glitter / acrylic
    Edition: 25 pieces worldwide,

    A whirlwind of vibrant green washes over the canvas, mimicking the chaotic energy of chasing a dream. Scattered across its surface are crisp, unfolded bills – the universal symbol of prosperity, achievement, and ultimately, the reward of fulfilled ambition.

    Dominating the center is Scrooge McDuck, the iconic cartoon tycoon, his eyes gleaming with a mix of determination and shrewdness. He isn't swimming in his usual money bin, but rather pointing directly at you, his outstretched finger an undeniable call to action.

    In the corner, nestled amidst the swirling green, lies the inscription: "Dream, Plan, Do." Three simple words that sum up the message Scrooge embodies – that the path to wealth and success is paved not just with desire, but with strategic planning and unwavering action.

    This artwork is more than just a canvas filled with imagery; it's a potent reminder. It beckons you to dream, to visualize your goals, to meticulously plan your course, and then, most importantly, to take action. The message is clear: the key to turning your dreams into reality lies not in Scrooge's vault, but within your own drive and dedication.
  • About the artist

    Raphael Vanderhaëgen his art works are similar in style to pop art, modern street art and graffiti. Similar in working with primary and secondary colors, portraying popular characters (Bugs Bunny, Pop-Eye) and using text in paintings. Unlike the usual suspects regarding materials in graffiti art, Raphaël only uses a brush to create his paintings.

    Rules do not apply to Raphael's work. As an artist he likes to push the boundaries and incorporates his life motto into his work: don't grow up. Hence the depiction of cartoon characters from his childhood. There is no shortage of inspiration here, because while he is working on one painting, Raphaël has already mapped out his next painting in his head. In addition to paintings, Raphaël also makes custom painted jackets, murals, sneakers and other objects.

    Raphaël has been a good draftsman from an early age. Finally, five years ago, painting crossed his path. He used the drawing skills he acquired throughout his life as the basis for his works of art. Raphael is a self-taught painter, he has never attended an art school or taken a course on techniques and art forms. What you see in his work is 100% Raphaël.

    Raphaël was inspired by his past, which is reflected in all his works of art. Raphael, born on August 16, 1991, is the eldest child of the family. Throughout his life he encountered negative influences, but found a way to put that past behind him by focusing on his passion. With a whole new mindset and focus on his work, Raphaël developed his art style and was inspired by the setbacks of his past.

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