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Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig

1866 - 19154 artworks for sale

About the artist

Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig’s artistic career began conventionally with a period of training at the Amsterdam Rijksakademie.

During a subsequent stay in Paris (1888-1889), he became acquainted with the Neo-Impressionism of Lucien and Camille Pissarro, which made a profound impact on him. From 1895 on, the artist began painting in this style himself, without, however, the strictly prescribed colour use to which French Pointillism adhered.

Hart Nibbrig wanted to use touches of colour to create the sparkle of sunlight. For this he sometimes chose very fine dots, at other times more spontaneously applied brushstrokes combined with colour smudges and outlines.

He died at Laren (Noord Holland, The Netherlands)

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