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Elle M reflets d'argent by Francoise Francq
Elle M reflets d'argent by Francoise Francq
Elle M reflets d'argent by Francoise Francq
Elle M reflets d'argent by Francoise Francq

Elle M reflets d'argent 2022

Francoise Francq

50 ⨯ 50 ⨯ 18 cm
€ 6.990

Galerie Honingen

  • About the artist

    Françoise Francq was born in Belgium where she studies illustration at St Luc art school in Brussels. Also passionate of clay and moulding, she takes additional molding classes in different workshops all along her study path.

    Drawing remains the start of any sculpture project, allowing her, via swift movements of hand, to visualize the piece she ad in mind and lean towards harmony of forms and lines.

    The piece made out of bronze will be thoroughly patineted, leaving the caress of light naturally redraw the sculpture. "Elle M" is the beginning of a phrase, the red thread that unites the sculptures within themselves, while allowing one's imagination to take over.

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