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Four seasons by Mari Andriessen
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Four seasons 1910 - 1980

Mari Andriessen

50 ⨯ 27 cm
Price on request

Kunsthandel Pygmalion

  • About the artwork
    The artwork contains four terracotta pieces that each measure 50x27 cm.
  • About the artist
    Mari Silverster Andriessen was a Dutch sculptor, best known for his work memorializing victims of the Holocaust. He went to the Haarlemse Kunstnijverheidschool and the Rijksacademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam, and later the Academie van de Beeldende Kunsten in München. During the war, he had to join the Nazi ‘kulturkammer’, which he refused. After the war, he became the most asked artist for war- and war resistance monuments. He was a member of ‘de Groep’, of traditional, figurative sculptors, who took an important place in Dutch art after the war.

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