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Licht en Blauw by Sasja Wagenaar
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Licht en Blauw 2023

Sasja Wagenaar

Acrylic paintPaint
100 ⨯ 100 cm
€ 5.250

De Kunstsalon

  • About the artist

    Sasja Wagenaar (1959) is inspired in her monumental still lifes by everyday small objects that she depicts in all their simplicity, but at the same time richness. Silk cloths, porcelain bowls, they radiate opulence in Sasja's work. She often adds a detail from nature: a blossom branch, quail eggs or a fruit. She paints with the seasons and uses elements from nature that are available at the time of painting.

    There is something light and fresh about Sasja Wagenaar's compositions. Her paintings contain many fine contrasts and contrasts without evoking unrest.
    She plays with the dimensions, colors and textures of her objects, sometimes portraying them against a background of rich fabrics. More often, however, she opts for a serene dark or light background that focuses all the attention on her subject.

    Her works are almost a tribute to traditional still lifes, but with a wink. She plays with contrasts such as light and dark and old and new. However, the works remain characterized by a certain calm and serenity. The beauty of the objects is shown in all its glory.

    From an early age Wagenaar has been fascinated by still lifes, by sitting and looking for a long time to fully absorb a scene. By seeking this stillness herself, she hopes to be able to convey it to the viewer. In this way, the viewer can also experience a moment of peace and quiet in the hectic pace of daily life to really take a good look and delve into the beauty of Sasja Wagenaar's subjects.

    Light is of great importance in Wagenaar's work. She works with both natural and artificial light. She has two separate places for this in her studio. Here she usually works on several paintings at once that are in a different stage. For example, she can alternate painting a background with highly detailed parts. Wagenaar mainly uses acrylic paint, which means that every stroke has to be right from the start. Unlike with oil paint, you have to work quickly. From a distance, the still lifes appear very precise and detailed, but when you come closer, the light, playful touch that is characteristic of her work stands out.

    Sasja Wagenaar studied at the Academy for Visual Education in Amsterdam. She has several exhibitions to her name, both at home and abroad. Her work can also be seen regularly at various fairs.

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