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Wiltja, traditional bush shelter by Rene Sundown
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Wiltja, traditional bush shelter 21th century

Rene Sundown

CanvasAcrylic paintPaint
60 ⨯ 50 cm
€ 400

Art Gallery O-68

  • About the artist
    Rene Sundown is an Australian artist and works in the aboriginal style. She describes herself as following: “I was born in country along the way to Uluru. My father was a stockman and my mother was a teacher to me and my brothers. When the rain would come we used to go hunting for rabbit and malu (kangaroo) with my father. He was always catching echidnas and we used to pull out all the sharp ends and cook them on the fire. A salty creek used to run near Erldunda Station, me and my brothers always wanted to be swimming there. I live at the Homelands now with my husband, we enjoy watering the plants and living in the country, it’s a good place. It’s important to know about family and to grow up children on these lands, then we can remember this country and where we come from.”

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