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Stapel schalen II by Heidi von Faber
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Stapel schalen II 2024

Heidi von Faber

100 ⨯ 80 ⨯ 5 cm
€ 5.500

Galerie Bonnard

  • About the artwork
    Acryl op linnen
  • About the artist

    In the paintings of Heidi von Faber, an artist based in The Hague, light plays a pivotal role, often contrasting with a dark background. Her works feature contemporary compositions illuminated classically, predominantly from the left. The phrase 'playing with light' aptly describes her technique, as von Faber skillfully alters the ambiance of her creations by simply shifting the light source.

    Von Faber draws inspiration from the 'old Dutch masters', known for their masterful use of light. The simplicity of the objects she portrays lends a modern flair to her work. Common elements in her paintings include glass objects, with or without contents, vibrant fruits, coffee cups, and rustic bread. Over the years, von Faber has demonstrated versatility in her choice of materials, incorporating metal (bronze, silver, gold), fabric, fruits, glass, ceramics, and plastics.

    This diverse range of materials always comes together in a 'logical whole' within her paintings. Her still lifes exude a warm, inviting atmosphere, whether they depict cheerful coziness, tempting treats, or profound tranquility. Regardless of the subject, von Faber's works are characterized by a harmonious balance.

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