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Take all by Marek Zyga
Take all by Marek Zyga
Take all by Marek Zyga
Take all by Marek Zyga

Take all 2020

Marek Zyga

160 ⨯ 40 cm
€ 8.900


  • About the artist

    Marek Zyga (1968) makes his sculptures from chamotte clay. He has an incredible fascination for the rough structure of this material. By exerting pressure on it, making casts and modelling, the artist plays with the great diversity of this material. By using different techniques, he gets a big structural difference in the clay.

    Marek is attracted by the great possibilities this clay offers him. He is constantly taking on new challenges to experiment with this product. With this he constantly tries to exceed his own limits. This emotional experience is also expressed in his sculptures.

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Material & Technique