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the hunter  by Crispy White
the hunter  by Crispy White
the hunter  by Crispy White
the hunter  by Crispy White
the hunter  by Crispy White
the hunter  by Crispy White
the hunter  by Crispy White
the hunter  by Crispy White
Contains nudity

the hunter 2010 - 2020

Crispy White

DibondDibond epoxyPhotographic print
103 ⨯ 103 cm
€ 2.650


  • About the artwork
    103 x 103 cm
    Fotografie in oplage
    Lambda print op dibond
  • About the artist

    Because of an excess of activities and obligations, White likes to keep a low profile. From anonymity he observes, analyses and puts into perspective what he perceives in the world. Not that he has no opinion of his own. On the contrary. He has an outspoken vision of his own, which he likes to keep pure. Pure. Uncontaminated by other perspectives or (pre-)judgements. He does not care about the status quo.

    The character description of this globetrotter does not go much further. He stays for shorter and longer periods of time in several cosmopolitans and during his many travels he photographs endlessly. Everywhere he goes, he sucks up impressions and collects the most absurd gadgets. The world is his playground! White is a man of the world who prefers to stay in his own world.

    He loves innovative techniques, wants to exploit the contradiction and does this with sophisticated details that surprise the viewer. His mixed media works always consist of multiple layers. Both physically and in symbolism. He enjoys playing with optical illusions. Appearances are deceptive.
    The first impression meets expectations, but behind it there is always a second reality to discover.

    In his work he searches for the addition or the contradiction. To depict his slightly erotic subjects he uses remarkably soft colours and images, such as teddy bears or plastic bath ducks. A quasi humorous angle or at least an expression of childlike, uninhibited love for the attractive feminine beauty? Both?

    White's creative spirit is not easy to capture. And perhaps that is precisely the intention. The spectator is challenged not to indiscriminately go along with the image that is presented to him in the first place. He is triggered to look further, to investigate and eventually draw his own conclusions.


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