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Trust not in the tameness of the Wolf by Sherwood Black
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Trust not in the tameness of the Wolf 2013 - 2020

Sherwood Black

150 ⨯ 190 cm
€ 8.750

Sherwood Black Studios

  • About the artist

    Alexandra Sherwood Black Morrison is a Canadian born artist, living and working in Europe. Her main practice is abstract painting but has also experimented in sculpture and design using various materials and mediums.

    Starting her professional education in the Fine Arts Program at Ontario, Canada's Guelph University, she graduated with an Honors Bachelor's degree in 2010. She was then accepted to the Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCADU) in Toronto for an interdisciplinary Masters Diploma. During her time at OCADU, she began a gallery internship in Brussels, Belgium. While working in Brussels and exploring Belgium's artistic community she made the decision to apply and was accepted into the Vrie Kunst Master's Program at the Sint Lukas Brussels Institute, graduating in 2014.

    Since then, she now lives permanently in Belgium, continuing her work. She has had multiple exhibitions in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and France and has worked with a myriad of other artists including painters, sculptors and musicians.


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