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zonder titel by Wim de Haan
zonder titel by Wim de Haan
zonder titel by Wim de Haan
zonder titel by Wim de Haan
zonder titel by Wim de Haan
zonder titel by Wim de Haan

zonder titel 1955

Wim de Haan

Mixed media
40 ⨯ 70 cm
€ 4.750

Bert Kuipers Kunsthandel

  • About the artwork
    Haan, Willem Jacob ('Wim') de; Amsterdam 1913 - 1967 Amsterdam
    Zonder titel, olieverf, as, sintels, jutedraad en zaagsel op linnen, 1955
    40 x 70 cm., gesigneerd r.o. 'dehaan' , gesigneerd verso op spieraam 'de haan'
    Herkomst: Kunsthandel BORZO 's-Hertogenbosch, particuliere collectie Nederland
    Literatuur: Jan Brand, Piet Cleveringa, Mia de Haan - van der Chijs e.a.: 'Wim de Haan', Waanders Uitgevers , Stichting Wim de Haan, S5-52 blz. 162

  • About the artist

    Willem Jacobus de Haan was a Dutch painter, draftsman and sculptor. He was autodidact and painted nonrepresentational art. He was a member of the artist association Federatie van Verenigingen van Beroeps Beeldende Kunstenaars and Liga Nieuw Beelden. In 1953, he decided to focus on painting fulltime. In his beginning years, his paintings were pre-war Surrealist, but his work soon developed into abstract-Expressionism. In the 1960s he was a member of the groups Europa and Oekwa, with who he exhibited. In 1975, a retrospective exhibition on de Haan was held at the Stedelijk Museum.

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