19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artiste Inconnu

19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead 1880 - 1900

Artiste Inconnu

55 ⨯ 45 ⨯ 93 cm
€ 5.900

Spectandum Gallery

  • Sur l'oeuvre d'art
    Antique French wooden steer's head, used as the exterior sign of a butcher’s shop (in French they would call it a Boucherie). The sign must be over a hundred years old, still has his original paint, a great patina, and nice age cracks. The horns, the underside of the chin, and the middle of the head are painted in ivory white and the rest of the bull's head is covered in a brown-reddish color. Considering its age, the external usage, and the fact that it survived two World Wars, it's in pretty good shape.
  • Sur l'artiste

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