Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido
Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century by Artista Desconocido

Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century 1800 - 1850

Artista Desconocido

Pintura de aceitePanelPintura
41 ⨯ 44 ⨯ 6 cm
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  • Sobre la obra de arte
    Dutch School pair of equestrian paintings 19th Century.

    The paintings have a nice theme and can be seen as a diptych: the wild horse with the blue clothes on one side and the tamed horse with the red clothes and details on the other side.

    The meaning of the colors are open for discussion. The blue color is known as Prussian blue and the interesting thing is that the horse seems to be a Holsteiner and this is a Prussian horse breed.

    The art pieces are painted on a wooden panel.

    The paintings are cleaned and in good condition. Only one panel has a crack in the painting as can be seen on the photos. The frames are beautiful and without any damage.

    The art pieces are original made without frame. Just the wooden panel. This can be assummed because the wooden panels has both a string attached to it to hang it on the wall directly.

    The frames are more recent, but nicely decorated and it fit beautiful with the paintings and give it the power it deserve!
  • Sobre el artista

    Puede suceder que un artista o creador sea desconocido.

    Algunas obras no deben determinarse por quién está hecho o por (un grupo de) artesanos. Algunos ejemplos son estatuas de la Antigüedad, muebles, espejos o firmas que no son claras o legibles, pero también algunas obras no están firmadas en absoluto.

    También puedes encontrar la siguiente descripción:

    •"Atribuido a …." En su opinión, probablemente una obra del artista, al menos en parte.

    •“Estudio de….” o “Taller de” En su opinión, una obra ejecutada en el estudio o taller del artista, posiblemente bajo su supervisión

    •“Círculo de…” En su opinión, una obra del período del artista que muestra su influencia, estrechamente asociado con el artista pero no necesariamente su alumno.

    •"Estilo de …." o “Seguidor de…”. En su opinión, una obra ejecutada al estilo del artista pero no necesariamente por un alumno; puede ser contemporáneo o casi contemporáneo

    •"Manera de …." En su opinión una obra al estilo del artista pero de fecha posterior

    •"Después …." En su opinión, una copia (de cualquier fecha) de una obra del artista

    •“Firmado…”, “Fechado…” o “Inscrito” En su opinión, la obra ha sido firmada/fechada/inscrita por el artista. La adición de un signo de interrogación indica un elemento de duda.

    •“Con firma…”, “Con fecha…”, “Con inscripción…” o “Lleva firma/fecha/inscripción” en su opinión la firma/fecha/inscripción ha sido añadida por alguien que no es el artista

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