Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar
Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the  “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago », distributors of the Robert Brendel collection from Germany by Onbekende Kunstenaar

Large Didactical Model of a Cockchafer or May bug sold by the “ Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago 1890 - 19220

Onbekende Kunstenaar

63 ⨯ 46 ⨯ 19 cm
ConditionVery good
€ 7.000

Spectandum Gallery

  • Over kunstwerk
    Beetle model (Melotontha vulgaris), strongly enlarged. One side shows the outer shape, the other the inner constitution and the viscera, legs and wings can be removed.Beetle model (Melotontha vulgaris), strongly enlarged. One side shows the outer shape, the other the inner constitution and the viscera, legs and wings can be removed.This large and impressive didactical model , on its original base,stands almost … cm tall. It was made of paper mache, wood and plaster and all the parts were hand painted.The model was manufactured by Brendel in Germany and distributed through Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago.From the late 19th to the first 20th centuries, the Brendel Company produced three-dimensional botanical and animal models as teaching aids. Meant to be observed and physically manipulated by entire classes of students, the models embody both artistic and scientific values, as they were created through an effective cooperation between botanists and model makers. Today these models are renowned for their historical value. Robert Brendel founded the R. Brendel company in Breslau (currently Wroclaw in Poland). He opened in 1866 a factory producing models of anatomy, mineralogy and mainly botanical models designed for teaching. Botanical models are enlargements of plants and flowers. They were made of papier mâché, wood, cotton, bamboo, glass beads, feathers and gelatin ….From the beginning of the company, Robert Brendel surrounds himself with qualified craftsmen and scientists. He benefited from the theoretical advice of a pharmacist, Dr. Carl Leopold Lohmeyer, and botanical advice from Professor Ferdinand Cohn, Director of the Institute of Plant Physiology at the University of Breslau.Throughout the life of the company, collaboration with various renowned scientists, precision and quality of execution have been a permanent concern of the founders father and son, which has earned the company to be internationally recognizedHis son Reinhold (1861-1927) collaborates with his father in the development of the company and succeeds him. He deepened his knowledge of botany, established in 1898 in Grunewald near Berlin and the models produced then show a quality that reaches an unparalleled level.The models were sold via illustrated catalogs, either by mail order or via a network of resellers (in Italy the Paravia firm and in the USA the Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago ) and were awarded with numerous awards and medals.
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    Voor sommige werken is het niet te bepalen door wie het gemaakt is of dat het is gemaakt door (een groep) ambachtslieden. Voorbeelden zijn beelden uit de Oudheid, meubels, spiegels of handtekeningen die vaak niet duidelijk of leesbaar zijn. Maar ook sommige werken zijn helemaal niet gesigneerd.

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    •"Toegeschreven aan …." waarschijnlijk een werk van de kunstenaar maar niet zeker of gedeeltelijk

    •“Atelier van ….” of werkplaats van” een werk uitgevoerd in het atelier of atelier van de kunstenaar, eventueel onder zijn toezicht

    •“Cirkel van ….” een werk uit de periode van de kunstenaar die zijn invloed laat zien, nauw verbonden met de kunstenaar maar niet noodzakelijkerwijs zijn leerling

    •“Stijl van ….” of  “Volger van ….” een werk uitgevoerd in de stijl van de kunstenaar, maar niet noodzakelijk door een leerling; kan eigentijds of bijna eigentijds zijn

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    •"Na …." een kopie (van welke datum dan ook) van een werk van de kunstenaar

    •“Getekend…”,  “Gedateerd….”  of  “Ingeschreven” dan is het werk gesigneerd/ gedateerd/ ingeschreven door de kunstenaar. De toevoeging van een vraagteken duidt op een element van twijfel

    •"Met handtekening ...", "Met datum ...", "Met opschrift..." of “Draagt signatuur/datum/opschrift” dan is de handtekening/datum/opschrift toegevoegd door iemand anders dan de kunstenaar

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