Pair of Empire Candelabra by Artista Sconosciuto
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Pair of Empire Candelabra 1810

Artista Sconosciuto

70 ⨯ 30 ⨯ 18 cm
Attualmente non disponibile tramite Gallerease

  • A proposito di opere d'arte
    A pair of Empire candelabra with five lights. On a pedestal with a broad plinth stands a woman dressed as a classic Greek priestess. On her head she carries a flaming brazier. From the middle of the baluster-shaped brazier five arms with candleholders fan out. The first part of the arms is decorated with acanthus. The upward curving part ends in a trumpet-shaped drip tray with a straight candleholder and a plain bobeche. The cubical base of the brazier is decorated with a rosette at the front and two lion’s heads holding a ring in its beak at the sides. The women hold their index fingers to these rings.

    The simple patinated pedestals with a broad plinth are decorated with a sloping edge with leaf motifs. On the sides of the pedestal simple round cartouches with gilt bronze portraits in relief. The cartouches are edged with a decoration of stylized leaf motifs connected with S-volutes.

    The pure French Empire style, originates from Paris, following the admiration of Napoléon Bonaparte for the ancient Egyptian culture. Many elements of the Empire style are inspired on ancient Egyptian culture or Roman architecture. The style is kin to the classicist Louis XVI style but is characterized by the abundant use of martial references, sphinxes and palmettes.
  • A proposito di opere artista

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