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Anemia - In Stock  by Maya Kulenovic
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Anemia - In Stock 2015

Maya Kulenovic

Original oil on canvas
31 ⨯ 104 cm
€ 9.200

Morren Galleries Utrecht

  • About the artist

    Maya Kulenovic’s paintings have been exhibited in over thirty solo exhibitions and many more group shows and art fairs in Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, USA, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and Turkey. Her work can be found in many collections around the world.

    A book on her work with introduction by Edward Lucie-Smith was published by d’jonge Hond 2008 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Her latest monograph, Fugue, including an essay by Mark Kingwell was published in Toronto, Canada in 2017.

    She studied art at London University of the Arts (at Chelsea College of Art and Design) in London, England (Masters of Arts), Ontario College of Art and Design University (AOCAD Honours) in Toronto and Mimar Sinan University in Istanbul. She is also an alumna of London Goodenough College in London, England.

    Canadian by nationality, she is currently based in Toronto. She was born in Sarajevo, SFR Yugoslavia.

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