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Anima Animus - Verbondenheid by Margot Homan
Anima Animus - Verbondenheid by Margot Homan
Anima Animus - Verbondenheid by Margot Homan
Anima Animus - Verbondenheid by Margot Homan

Anima Animus - Verbondenheid 2011

Margot Homan

79 cm
€ 28.750

Morren Galleries Utrecht

  • About the artist

    With her work, Margot Homan wishes to demonstrate that even in these times the pursuit of that higher plane, however unattainable, is still relevant. That is the signal she sends out to the world, by creating sculptures that transcend human limitation. Because of the high demands that she also places on the quality of the finishing of her works, Margot Homan has her bronzes cast in Pietrasanta, Italy.

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