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Senne, sitting by Boris Paval Conen
Senne, sitting by Boris Paval Conen
Senne, sitting by Boris Paval Conen
Senne, sitting by Boris Paval Conen
Senne, sitting by Boris Paval Conen
Senne, sitting by Boris Paval Conen
Senne, sitting by Boris Paval Conen
Senne, sitting by Boris Paval Conen
Senne, sitting by Boris Paval Conen
Senne, sitting by Boris Paval Conen
Senne, sitting by Boris Paval Conen
Senne, sitting by Boris Paval Conen

Senne, sitting 2023

Boris Paval Conen

50 ⨯ 30 ⨯ 50 cm
€ 8.900

Galerie Bonnard

  • About the artwork

    Made of lime wood
  • About the artist

    The images of the Amsterdam artist Boris Paval Conen, the name of the house, tonen ‘moments’. A moment of a scene. Je ziet he iets heeft plaatsgevonden what zeker aen volg zal hebben.

    The art, with beautiful cinematic images (winnaar van o.a. two gold kalveren), laat with the beautiful moments of verstilling zien. This means that the kijker locks the elements in the 'niet in a light in the light'. Real Boris brings these elements seeds to a legendary schouwspel.

    The barbecue in the wood, noest and barsten, like the art of art in the background aanwezig zijn. Seeds prepared in a composition of the image will produce a good yield of boeien.

    The art itself is about its work:

    “Brief moments of vulnerability frozen in time”. “Wood is a living material. It's a wonderful process how cracks develop during drying. I try to predict where they will occur but that only succeeds in part. Of course I can glue blocks of wood together, to prevent the final sculpture from cracking. But I love the cracks, the knots and the places where the wood is weathered, sometimes even decayed.
    The texture of my sculptures is like the human skin: Scarred and marked by a lived life… ”

    “Korte moments of kwetsbaarheid bevroren in de tijd”.

    ”Hout is a valuable material. It's great to have a lot of hair on it and the drugs in the house. I'll test this before scrubbing. Waar en hoe het precies scheurt is uiteindelijk toch iets what maar gedeeltelijk te voorspellen is. Naturally, the blocking of the electrical system can be used to make the picture clear when the hair is cleaned. It's worth it, the knoesten and the holes are used.

    The structure of my sculptures is in the form of a human body, marked and marked by a geleefd leven.

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