'Animal Master series-Pig' by Ruo Zhang
'Animal Master series-Pig' by Ruo Zhang
'Animal Master series-Pig' by Ruo Zhang
'Animal Master series-Pig' by Ruo Zhang
'Animal Master series-Pig' by Ruo Zhang
'Animal Master series-Pig' by Ruo Zhang
'Animal Master series-Pig' by Ruo Zhang
'Animal Master series-Pig' by Ruo Zhang

'Animal Master series-Pig' 2013

Ruo Zhang

BronzePeinture acryliqueMétalPeindre
64 ⨯ 60 cm
€ 9.600

Galerie Kunstbroeders

  • Sur l'oeuvre d'art
    The animalSeriesof Zhang Ruo ( Zhang Qiang) is created between 2012 and 2022.
    This is a group of sculptures made up of animal-shaped sculptures stepping on the back of the furniture.
    What Zhang tells about the series:'
    I remember when I was still in Beijing, I went to the antique market once, and I accidentally saw a small chair. Its shabby texture took me away. Bring it back to childhood memories.
    I bought the studio for more than half a year. I spent a day playing with it and unconsciously turning it over. I suddenly thought of a thing my mother told me when she was a child. When she was a child, it was during the Cultural Revolution. The teachers in rural elementary schools, As an intellectual in the village, were beaten by the Red Guards. On the stage in the village, a criticism meeting was held, so the teachers stood on the opposite side of the stool, wearing high hats, and the scene was sad.
    So I started to make a piggy on the back of the chair, standing on it blankly, with my eyes closed, as if I was thinking about something. It felt very funny, humorous, and absurd.
    Later, I made some other animals very close to people.
    I am thinking that animals are in this situation now as if they are walking on the opposite side of human society, their homes for survival have been lost to a precarious point, but they cannot change their spiritual world, humbly maintaining a balanced and elegant posture. Looking forward to the arrival of the new world.
    Like a fable, a teacher, and a mirror, it teaches us to see ourselves clearly.'
    The sculpture 'Animal Series-The Pig' is made of bronze so as well the stool on which the Pig is standing. It is one of the last ones of an edition of 8 sculptures worldwide.
  • Sur l'artiste

    « Le romantisme ne se situe précisément ni dans le choix du sujet, ni dans la vérité exacte, mais dans la manière de sentir. – Charles Baudelaire

    La citation du poète français Charles Baudelaire résume parfaitement le caractère de Zhang Ruo Yu et son attitude envers ses créations. Zhang se met en quête d'un fil, d'un thème, d'un style, dans le royaume des mythes et des légendes, quelque chose qui laisse libre cours au romantisme. Il tisse à partir de ce fil des œuvres de bronze intimes qui capturent des profondeurs subtiles d'émotions et un sentiment d'aspiration vers l'infini.

    Zhang a un sens de l'humour ironique, comme l'atteste sa série Stray Dogs. Pourtant, il y a toujours une prévenance et une mélancolie subtile dans les créations de Zhang et une reconnaissance qu'au cœur de tout romantisme se trouve la souffrance.

    1978 Né à Changsha, Hunan
    2001 Diplômé de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts de Guangzhou, Chine
    A travaillé pour Guangzhou Sculpture Development Pte Ltd après l'obtention de son diplôme
    2006 Obtention de sa maîtrise à l'Académie des arts et du design, Université Tsinghua, Chine. Étudié sous la direction du professeur Wei Xiaoming
    Travaille actuellement sur des projets de sculpture en rack et de sculpture environnementale

    Membre de l'Institut de sculpture de Chine
    Membre de la Société nationale des arts et de l'artisanat de Chine
    Membre de l'Association des Sculpteurs Asiatiques Contemporains

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