English Stumpwork Embroidery with Chinese Curio Motives, 1690-1700 by Artista Sconosciuto
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English Stumpwork Embroidery with Chinese Curio Motives, 1690-1700 1690

Artista Sconosciuto

290 ⨯ 240 cm
Attualmente non disponibile tramite Gallerease

  • A proposito di opere d'arte
    This wallcovering is embroidered in stumpwork and consists of a number of graphics that are scattered over the surface and seem to have no connection. The space between the sepparate graphics is filled with flowering sprigs, insects and birds.
    Stumpwork is a type of embroidery originating from 16th century Brittain. Mainly on a base of linnen, figures were embroidered in wool, silk and metal thread. The relief was obtain by stuffing the embroidery with wool. The origin of this technique probably lies in the making of Italian liturgical attire. The motives of English stumpwork were originally based on classical examples of the Italian Renaissance, but in a free interpretation. Especially this free and fancyful variation gives the English stumpwork its characteristic features.
    By the end of the 17th century Oriental motives are introduced, mainly under the influence of Queen Mary and her fondness of the goods that were brought in by the English East India Company (and in the Low Lands the VOC).
  • A proposito di opere artista

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