Undertaker's riot in Amsterdam 1696
Artista Sconosciuto
€ 650
Jongeling Numismatics & Ancient Art
- A proposito di opere d'arteObverse: MOTOS PRÆSTAT COMPONERE FLVCTVS, Neptune in chariot with trident in left hand, crown and coat of arms of Amsterdam on the back of the chariot, blowing winds in the form of human heads
Reverse: HAICYONIBVS. REDVCTIS / SENATVS. AMSTELOD / CIVIBVS. SVIS. HOC / ANTIQVÆ VIRTVTIS . / SPECTATÆQ. FIDEI / PRÆMIVM IARGITVR / MDCXCVI, four kingfishers in a nest on a calm sea, rising sun, banner with Latin text, year in exergue
Variant without signature
Slightly polished
The Aansprekers Riot was a popular uprising that took place in Amsterdam in 1696. 'Aansprekers' were undertakers of a sort, citizens who organised funerals. In January 1696, the council announced that a selection group of 72 aansprekers and lantern bearers would be appointed who would be given the city monopoly on arranging funerals. A group of approximately 250 private aansprekers became victims of this. Furthermore, this made funerals a lot more expensive because they were taxed. The city council had introduced the measure to generate more income due to the declining economy.
After the announcement of the new measure, the aansprekers spread the rumour that the poor would now be treated like trash when they died. Riots broke out in Amsterdam on January 31, 1696. Cheered on by the aansprekers, many poor people took to the streets in anger. On February 1, the militia intervened successfully. To deter the masses, a number of rioters were executed or exiled to Suriname. Yet the undertakers had achieved their goal, because the tax for aansprekers was ultimately not introduced.
Weight: 49.34 g
Diameter: AR 49.5 mm
Grade: Good very fine
Reference: cf vL. IV 161/221.2 - A proposito di opere artista
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