'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono

'Booksuite Personal Structures', containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists 2010 - 2014

Yoko Ono

50 ⨯ 50 ⨯ 50 cm
€ 3.500 - 5.000

Gallerease Selected

  • Sobre arte
    'Personal Structures Art Projects' are projects created by Rene Rietmeyer and executed by Karlyn De Jongh and Sarah Gold in close cooperation with each artist, and which are documented as special edition Artists' Books. Each project centralises the artist and emphasises their work.

    Booksuite in wooden box with 10 different multiples signed by the artists, each is a deluxe edition.
    Each box containing a book and various printed and three-dimensional art objects assembled by a particular artist.
    Full contents available upon request.
    Total edition of 50
    Leiden,`s-Hertogenbosch: GlobalArtAffairs/Luiscius Antiquarian, 2010-14

    Special editions by artists:
    - Hermann Nitsch, "Under My Skin." 2010
    - Lawrence Weiner, "Skimming the Water / Ménage à Quatre." 2010
    - On Kawara,"Unanswered Questions." 2011
    - Roman Opalka,"Time Passing." 2011
    - Arnulf Rainer,"Unfinished Into Death." 2011
    - Lee Ufan,"Encounters." 2012
    - Ben Vautier, "Introspection, Thrugh Art & Sex" 2013
    - Yoko Ono, "Arising." 2014
    - Herman de Vries: Being This Joy Experience Unity." 2014
    - Otto Piene & Heinz Mack: "From ZERO to ZERO"
  • Sobre artista

    Yoko Ono, nascida em 1933 no Japão, é uma artista multifacetada conhecida pelas suas contribuições como musicista, compositora e artista multimédia, com actividade significativa no Japão, nos Estados Unidos e no Reino Unido. A mudança de sua família de Tóquio para Scarsdale, Nova York, no início dos anos 1950, marcou o início de sua jornada nas artes, levando-a a estudar no Sarah Lawrence College. Em 1955, a vida de Ono deu uma guinada dramática quando ela fugiu com o compositor Toshi Ichiyanagi, preparando o terreno para sua mudança para Manhattan. Lá, ela mergulhou na cena artística de vanguarda, estabelecendo conexões com artistas que pensavam da mesma forma.

    A década de 1960 viu Ono emergir como uma figura pioneira no movimento Fluxus, um coletivo internacional que abraçou uma mistura de diferentes meios e disciplinas artísticas. Ela se tornou conhecida por sua arte performática inovadora, organizando eventos em seu apartamento no centro da cidade e exibindo seu trabalho em locais notáveis como o Carnegie Recital Hall e a AG Gallery. Um retorno a Tóquio em 1962 permitiu-lhe aprofundar seus esforços artísticos com exposições individuais e concertos no Sogetsu Art Center. Sua vida pessoal se entrelaçou com sua jornada artística quando ela se casou com o promotor de arte americano Tony Cox em 1963.

    Um dos trabalhos mais provocativos e impactantes de Ono, "Cut Piece", estreou em 1964. Esta peça de arte performática, onde ela convidou o público a cortar suas roupas, é um trabalho seminal no movimento de Arte Feminista, destacando temas de vulnerabilidade, confiança e a objetificação das mulheres. A arte de Ono frequentemente desafia os espectadores a se tornarem participantes ativos, uma marca registrada de sua abordagem conceitual.

    Em 1966, a mudança de Ono para Londres levou a um encontro fortuito com John Lennon na sua exposição na Indica Gallery, desencadeando uma parceria lendária que combinou o pessoal com o profissional. As suas colaborações, incluindo os famosos Bed-Ins for Peace em 1969, demonstraram o seu compromisso em usar a sua plataforma para o activismo social e político. A sinergia criativa do casal continuou até a trágica morte de Lennon em 1980.

    O legado artístico de Yoko Ono vai além de suas colaborações com Lennon. Ela continuou a expor seu trabalho em todo o mundo, com peças apresentadas em instituições de prestígio como o Everson Museum em Syracuse, NY, o Whitney Museum of American Art e a Japan Society em Nova York. A influência duradoura de Ono na arte e na cultura sublinha o seu papel como pioneira no mundo da arte, expandindo continuamente os limites da criatividade e do envolvimento.

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