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About the artist

Born the son of a postal worker; his father died before he was one year old. His mother encouraged him to draw, because he was good at it at school. At the age of fifteen he came to work with his teacher A.C. Schleswijk in Soest. There he learned to develop his own style. L`Hoëst became a member of the Amersfoort artists' society De Ploegh, where he had several exhibitions and was discovered by Remko Watjes and Douwe van der Zweep of the progressives (a club that did not exist for long). Later in life he exhibited in the salons of Paris. After the Second World War, which Schleswig did not survive, the studio was bequeathed to L`Hoëst. With a wide view over the fields of the Soester Eng, he made impressions of the evening skies, still lifes, landscapes and portraits. He continued this until in 1959 his house with studio burned down and almost all of his youth work was lost. L`Hoëst bought a new house in Soesterberg but soon left for France, Portugal and Germany to paint there. He developed his own style in oil paint, acrylic, tempera and watercolor. He also mastered the Cobra style. L`Hoëst has been compared to great masters such as Vincent van Gogh, Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet. Because he was regularly abroad, he was less known in the Netherlands at that time. Many of his earlier works ended up with collectors in Germany and Canada. After a retrospective exhibition was held in the Singer Museum in Laren, the Netherlands also began to discover L'Hoëst. To this day he still makes paintings, although it takes a little more effort than before due to his advanced age. Other artist friends from Amersfoort were Toon Tieland and Joop Traarbach. Over the years, L`Hoëst has held various exhibitions at home and abroad, including in Galerie Needien in Neede and Muzeum Flehite in Amersfoort.

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