Important Ormolu-mounted Cartel Clock with Bracket by Artista Sconosciuto
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Important Ormolu-mounted Cartel Clock with Bracket 1744 - 1746

Artista Sconosciuto

133 ⨯ 51 ⨯ 24 cm
Attualmente non disponibile tramite Gallerease

  • A proposito di opere d'arte
    The movement of ca. twenty-one day duration, with verge escapement. Striking on the hours and half hours. The chapter ring with twenty-five cartouches, the hands of blued steel.

    The waisted and domed clock case of “corne bleue” is painted with flower sprigs and foliage in gold and red.
    The chased ormolu mounts on the bracket show an asymmetric ornament with C-volutes, acanthus foliage and flower garlands.
    The front of the clock is mounted in an ormolu band with at the top a rosette within foam-edges and foliate scrolls. The glass sides show beaded edges.
    The lower part of the glass door is decorated with an asymmetrical ornament with acanthus scrolls, flowers and foam-edges.
    The dome is mounted with entwined serpents and is crowned by a high finial with acanthus- and foam-edged volutes and with flower sprigs behind a swan.

    The great quality of the chased mounts and the beautifully executed gold coloured flower sprigs, together with the striking colour of the corne bleue enhance the lines of both clock and bracket in an exceptional way.

    Signed on the white enamel dial: J. Roussel a Paris. (Jean-Michel Roussel: 1712-1766).
  • A proposito di opere artista

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    •"Attribuito a …." A loro avviso probabilmente opera dell'artista, almeno in parte

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