1728 treaty between the Dutch Republic and the semi-autonomous state of Tripoli by Artiste Inconnu
1728 treaty between the Dutch Republic and the semi-autonomous state of Tripoli by Artiste Inconnu
1728 treaty between the Dutch Republic and the semi-autonomous state of Tripoli by Artiste Inconnu
1728 treaty between the Dutch Republic and the semi-autonomous state of Tripoli by Artiste Inconnu
1728 treaty between the Dutch Republic and the semi-autonomous state of Tripoli by Artiste Inconnu
1728 treaty between the Dutch Republic and the semi-autonomous state of Tripoli by Artiste Inconnu

1728 treaty between the Dutch Republic and the semi-autonomous state of Tripoli 1728

Artiste Inconnu

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  • Sur l'oeuvre d'art
    Tractaat tusschen haar hoog mog. de Heeren Staten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden, en de regeeringe van Tripoli. Geslooten in het jaar 1728.
    The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus II, 1729. 4to. Modern paper-covered boards.

    First edition, published in Dutch translation, of a treaty signed between the Dutch States General and Pasha Ahmed Karamanli (1686-1745), Turkish Muslim leader of the semi-autonomous state of Tripoli since 1711, when he killed the Ottoman governor and took the throne. The treaty, in 13 articles, guarantees the safety of Dutch ships trading at Tripoli and their crews (even when shipwrecked), sets restrictions on taxes (military supplies such as gunpowder, lead, iron, cannonballs and ships' masts are exempted). The governor of Tripoli is to see to it that the whole city is warned when one of the Dutch States General's ships drops anchor, so that all who own slaves can keep an eye on them to ensure they do not flee to the ship. Merchants under Dutch authority, whether Christians or Jews, are to be allowed to reside in the city unhindered, except for taxation.
    In very good condition and untrimmed.
    Knuttel 16776; for the treaty: A.H. de Groot, "Ottoman North Africa and the Dutch Republic ...", in: Revue de l'Occident Musulman ..., 39 (1985), pp. 131-147, at p. 144.
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