Blije Boris by Jörg Ridderbusch
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Blije Boris 2024

Jörg Ridderbusch

62 ⨯ 42 ⨯ 25 cm
€ 495

Galerie en Kunstuitleen Maastricht

  • About the artist

    Jörg Ridderbusch (Fürstenau, 1954) is a German artist. In 1984 Jörg Ridderbusch co-founded the metal construction company Ridderbusch Metal. In addition to producing steel productions, he now conjures up birds, mice and other animals on iron pedestals, among other things. He builds thrones for kings and queens from banisters, for example.

    In doing so, he adds emotion to material that is experienced by many as cold and soulless, material that is also at the end of its life cycle. He playfully processes this cold material and combines it with colorful fantasy figures that seem to have walked right out of a world of fairy tales and sagas.

    The old, oxidized iron contrasts sharply with the many colors that make Ridderbusch's art objects immediately eye-catching and fascinate many people. Ridderbusch's work is very suitable as outdoor art, because of its size, but also because of its 'natural' character: the rusty brown of the iron and the fresh, cheerful colors of the fantasy animals. In a garden or outdoor space, his images function as true eye-catchers to which the eye keeps wandering again and again.

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