Small French Louis XV Commode by Artista Sconosciuto
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Small French Louis XV Commode 1775

Artista Sconosciuto

MarmoPietraLegnaBronzoMarmo GrigioOroMetalloDorato
78 ⨯ 54 ⨯ 33 cm
Attualmente non disponibile tramite Gallerease

  • A proposito di opere d'arte
    A small commode with a bulged front and without a “traverse apparente”. This is exceptional for a work of Hedouin. The sides of the commode are arched. The front corner posts widen in the middle to give the commode a more imposing appearance. The edge of the front legs are fitted with a gilt bronze beaded edge that runs from the bronze corner ornaments on the top right down to the sabots.
    The marquetry decoration is extended over the front of both drawers. The sycamore cartouche is inlaid with elegant flowers that fill the entire field. The corners are emphasized with shapes of bois teinté.
    Jean Baptiste Hédouin (? - January 1783), was registered as maître ébéniste on May 22. 1738 in Paris. Working from the Rue Traverière-st. Antoine he provide high quality furniture. His designs show a Louis XV (Rococo) style and often contain leaf shaped decorations or geometrical cube-shapes. This commode with its flowery decoration, therefore, is an a-typical work of Hédouin.
    The object bears two stamps of the maker. One on the back and one on the top (underneath the marble): IBHEDOUIN JME
    JME is the mark of the “Jurande des Menuisiers-Ébénistes”, the jurors of the Parisian joiner guild, whose task it was to monitor the quality of the produced merchandise.
  • A proposito di opere artista

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    Inoltre puoi trovare la seguente descrizione:

    •"Attribuito a …." A loro avviso probabilmente opera dell'artista, almeno in parte

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