Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed by Hans Ittmann
Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed by Hans Ittmann
Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed by Hans Ittmann
Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed by Hans Ittmann
Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed by Hans Ittmann
Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed by Hans Ittmann
Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed by Hans Ittmann
Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed by Hans Ittmann
Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed by Hans Ittmann
Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed by Hans Ittmann
Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed by Hans Ittmann
Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed by Hans Ittmann

Hans Ittmann – Abstract Composition, 1945 – oil on canvas, framed 1945

Hans Ittmann

Olio originale su tela
95 ⨯ 50 ⨯ 4 cm
ConditionVery good
Attualmente non disponibile tramite Gallerease

Van Kerkhoff Art

  • A proposito di opere d'arte
    An abstract composition, oil on canvas. Painted by the Dutch artist Hans Ittmann in 1945. Signed by the artist, Professionally framed.

    About Hans Ittmann

    Hans Ittmann (Waalwijk 1914 – Amsterdam 1972) was a Dutch sculptor and painter. He was born the son of notary/lawyer Hendrik Coenraad Ittmann and Hillegonda Judith Welsch. He initially started studying law to later take over his father’s notary office. During this period, however, he also developed his talent for painting, and it soon became clear that he was a talented draughtsman.

    From the mid-1930s, Ittmann started painting in a small studio on Amsterdam’s Looierstraat. In 1941, he made the final decision to focus entirely on art and broke off his law studies in Leiden. During World War II, he added sculpture to his creative repertoire, taking lessons from Cephas Stouthamer. His early sculpture was figurative and playful, in line with his paintings and watercolours of the period.

    After the war, Ittmann joined the exhibition society De Onafhankelijken, where he worked with Juul Neumann. During this period, he abandoned figuration and was regularly mentioned as one of the abstract artists with an expressionist orientation. Like the members of the Cobra artists’ group, Ittmann was also interested in so-called “primitive” cultures, which can be seen in his collages, sculptures and work titles.
    Between 1946 and 1948, Ittmann studied at the École des Beaux Arts in Paris on a scholarship from the French government, along with Siep van de Berg and Henk Peters. He took classes with Gimondeau and then worked in Ossip Zadkine’s studio for a year. In 1947, he married pianist and composer Trudy Kuipers.

    In 1947, Ittmann joined the artists’ organisation ‘Vrij Beelden’, which advocated abstract and experimental art. In 1951, he joined the artists’ group ‘Creatie’: the Society for Absolute Abstraction. Ittmann was one of the initiators of a reunion with Vrij Beelden, which resulted in the founding of the Liga Nieuw Beelden in 1955.

    In the late 1950s, he participated in the Urban Spaces Study Group, where artists and architects collaborated on designs for Amsterdam. Ittmann founded a design for Surinameplein with Neumann and architect Gawronsky. Around 1960, he returned to a more expressive painting style, in which the influence of Jackson Pollock was evident. From the 1960s, Ittmann increasingly concentrated on monumental sculptural work, with his metal sculptures becoming heavier and more organic by 1970. In 1972, Hans Ittmann died of a heart attack at his home in Amsterdam at the age of 58.

    Signed by the artist (front, bottom, right)

    Good original condition, professionally framed. Some minor damage to the frame.

    Klasema Art
    Exhibited: CoBrA Museum, Amstelveen 1996

    Height 65 cm
    Width 45 cm

    Height 95 cm
    Width 50 cm
    Depth 4 cm
  • A proposito di opere artista

    Hans Ittmann è stato un artista olandese di Amsterdam che ha lavorato principalmente come scultore. Ha prodotto molti rilievi, ceramiche, sculture, gouaches e dipinti. Inizialmente studiò giurisprudenza per poter diventare notaio, ma decise di licenziarsi nel 1941 per dedicare la sua vita alla sua arte.

    Le sue prime opere sono principalmente gouaches e sculture, realizzate sotto la supervisione di Cephas Stauthamer. Dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, Ittmann si recò a Parigi dove studiò all'École des Beaux Arts per oltre tre anni dopo che il governo francese gli aveva concesso una borsa di studio. È stato istruito da Ossip Zadkine. Ittmann ha fatto relativamente bene come artista ed è stato accettato, in parte perché discendeva da una famiglia benestante.

    Ha effettuato molti viaggi, ad esempio, in Sud America, Nord Africa, Jugoslavia e Italia, influenzando fortemente il suo lavoro. È stato attivo in molte associazioni di artisti nei Paesi Bassi, come la NKVB (Associazione olandese degli scultori) e Arti et Amicitiae. Ittmann è stato presentato in mostre al Gemeentemuseum L'Aia e allo Stedelijk Museum di Amsterdam.

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